1. Each problem set comes with a clearly marked due date and time.
It must be submitted to Gradescope by that time.
Remember to allow at least 10 minutes to upload
and tag your problem set.
2. If you miss the Gradescope deadline for submitting your assignment, I will generally set the permissions so that you can submit it for up to a day or two afterwards, BUT the grade for that assignment will be marked down:
SUGGESTION: Get every problem set submitted early. Any time you cut things close, you're risking missing the deadline.
Obviously, exceptions to the above penalties can be made in cases of serious illness, family emergency, religious conflict (provided you notify me at least 3 days in advance), or other comparably significant conflicts.
3. Besides serious conflicts as in item 2 above, you may also take up to
two extensions all semester. Each extension can be for up to 48 hours.
To receive one of your two extensions, you must request it
(by email, or in person)
no later than 8pm ET on the due date.
You also must have been attending class (at least twice a week) and handing
in homework on time in the recent past.
FYI: One secret word for Homework 0 is ``ideal''
1. Write legibly. Make your work a pleasure to read!
2. You must ``tag'' your problems on Gradescope, which means marking which page(s) each problem's solution appears on.
3. You may collaborate on homework. However:
B. Each collaborator must hand in their own problem set. You cannot hand in a single set as the work of several people.
C. When collaborating, every student must work on every problem. You may not divide the problems up among yourselves.
D. Collaboration means discussing the problems together. However,
the actual writing must be done individually;
you must submit your answers in your own words.
Copying is NOT allowed, and it will be considered academic
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